Why We Support Israel

Why do we as the United States of America support Israel? Why throughout the last 70 years have we supported and protected Israel as if they are the USA in the Middle East?

Most today have forgotten about the reformation of Israel in 1948, the many connections between the USA and Israel and more importantly the history of Israel and the Israelites. Its fair to say, most Millennials do not understand WWII and what USA forces did to save the Jews, except that Hitler and the Nazis were bad.

The reformation of Israel was a major step for establishing a Israeli state and recreating the homeland of the Jews. If you believe in God and His word, the Jews are a central part of His story. The Jews are the people of God. Despite general unread belief, this has not changed in the New Testament. God has a plan for the Jews and as God’s chosen people. Which He uses to show Himself and His amazing grace, the Jews are vitally important for the comping days.

Many Americans have held the idea that we protect Israel as our own because it is the promise land and the Jews are God’s chosen people. For fifty years, some told stories about how God constantly blessed the United States because we blessed His people. We supported Israel unconditionally since 1948 until 2005 and we flourished together throughout this time. Others believe and the politically correct reason is; the USA supports Israel because it is the only democracy in the area and our only ally against the hotbed known as the Middle East.

Over the past eight years, we have withdrawn our public support of what many would have considered our greatest ally. While many will site the financial and military support we have provided over the recent years much of that was established prior to the current administration and much out of necessity to keep certain proponents quiet. In reality, our President has toured the promised land and promoted a two state solution with Israel and Palestine despite 60 years of the contrary and the constant attempt of Palestine to destroy Israel. The resolution that took place at the United Nations today and our President’s failure to use our veto power is the final nail in the coffin leaving no question that we as a nation do not support the state of Israel today.

Let us make it clear that we will never turn our backs on our steadfast friends in Israel, whose adherence to the democratic way must be admired by all friends of freedom.”

(John Kennedy, Speech at Eastern Oregon College of Education, November 9, 1959)

We have turned from Israel for the past eight years but come January 20, 2017 we will once again support our great friend and ally Israel.

Merry Christmas to our Israeli friends and we look forward to once again supporting you very soon.