Employee Monetary Compensation and Employee Job Satisfaction
Abstract It is known employee job satisfaction is related to employee motivation, performance, retention, and other factors which are beneficial to the employee and the employer. In recent decades, some have used the work of Self-Determination Theory to claim pay is irrelevant and promote the idea it is an employee’s commitment, attitude, and the programs…
The Letter to Philemon
The letter of Philemon was written by the Apostle Paul to Philemon a man who once owned a salve named Onesimus. This letter was written about 61 AD. Paul was an old man and he asked Philemon for Onesimus. He sent Onesimus back to Philemon with the letter, with the hope that Philemon out of…
Cognition and Attention in Performance
There are several theoretical approaches working towards the understanding of self-efficacy, motivation and performance. A few of these include; Self-Determination Theory as the parent theory, Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Organismic Integration Theory, and Basic Psychological Needs Theory. These approaches present a rounded understanding of current thought related to self-efficacy, motivation and performance. No current theory seems…