God’s Common Grace

            God’s common grace is manifested in many ways, some of them are simple while others we probably do not realize. God is a sovereign God, He is fully in control and has authority over everything that takes place. God allowed man to make his own decision and disobey. As a just and holy God, He could have and maybe should have (in the sense of His justice) wiped everything that was effected by sin from the face of creation. But God chose to show His grace to mankind in the hope of saving some. Through God not punishing the wicked and annihilating them on the spot His common grace is shown. God has chosen to show grace to all and allow all to carry on in their sinful lives. We have all sinned and have earned an eternal punishment but the Lord has chosen to postpone the punishment. During the time before we face our eternal punishment God has given us the opportunity to come to a saving faith through Him. This is how God’s special grace is shown. The Lord never had to give any of us a second chance, but He did. This is the most obvious part of His common grace. God has sustained me and everyone else through life, through every breadth. Even though I sin continually He shows His grace and holds back the punishment. God’s common grace is one of the most amazing things about Him. He has not only offered His Son for salvation but He allows mankind plenty of time to receive and evaluate His gift. Sadly, many reject the payment for their sin and refuse to understand God is who sustains them.

            Common grace is common because it is provided to all mankind. The  benefits of common grace are experienced by all mankind without discrimination from one person and another (Elwell, 2001). This is the point of common grace, all people are shown it no matter their standing before God. God has been gracious to all peoples and has given us all more then we deserve. Through His grace shown to all, people can live lives with positive events. Without common grace nothing good can come to sinners. 

            In the three volume set of Integrative Theology by Demarest the question is posed “If people distort and suppress the benefits of common grace, is there any reason to think that they will humble themselves to receive special grace?” (Demarest 162-163). This question is interesting to ponder. Even though God has clearly shown Himself through all of creation and granted all common grace, people refuse to see Him in it and submit themselves to the God who created everything. 

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Even though all this is true people still fail to recognize God and as Demarest stated what reason is there to think people would submit and recognize God in special grace. Thankfully God changes us and enlightens our hearts to see Him and love Him back for the grace which He has given us. 

            The concept of common grace shows certain things about God. Through His common grace we are shown His grace, patience, and love. Packer (1973) suggested grace is God operating in love towards mankind. Common and special grace are, God showing and exercising His love for us. Without God’s love nothing would exist. God knew everything that would have taken place and if He did not have a love to make us and save some He might not have made creation. Without God’s love the day Adam sinned God possibly would have wiped all of creation out. Our God is holy and just without His love there would be nothing but punishment and pain for us no longer being holy. As the Apostle John stated thankfully God is love. God’s love shows us so much about Him and through His love we can somewhat understand how His will works. God does everything for His own good pleaser, He takes pleaser in His love. In a way God’s will is governed by His love and as such through His love we are giving Him pleaser. 

            The idea of common grace and special grace call us to serve the Living God and to spread His word. If one truly believes all that is said in Scripture then one must live for Him and be grateful for all that He has done. God has done so much for you and me. He has been patience with us as we are sinners and a failures. Through His love we will over time be perfected in His image. Our God is an amazing God and He has given us amazing grace which only He can do. God could have wiped mankind from the face of creation after Adam fell but He loved Adam and His children so He has shown us grace through the working of His love and patience. The truth of the matter is without God changing our hearts and conforming us to be more like Him we can act no different then any other sinner. But according to His great love God is changing those who call Him Lord and Savior and as we change we live a different a more God honoring life and become more and more thankful for what He has done. As one becomes more and more thankful one becomes more motivated and more in love with the Lord. The more one loves Him the more one desires not to sin, but sadly we are sinners which is the whole point of why Jesus gave His life and suffered for us. God has shown Himself to all of mankind through His general revelation and His common grace but still apart from His working in us we will never realize His truth. That is why in John 6 Jesus said “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.” God has done everything for us. He has shown Himself to us and given us no excuse to not know of His existence. He has changed our hearts and drawn us to Him for saving faith. Through the Lord’s love all this has been done. May we ever be thankful and in joy of His work.


Packer, J. I. (1973). Knowing God (Downers Grove, IL. IL: InterVarsity.

Elwell, W. A. (Ed.). (2001). Evangelical dictionary of theology. Baker Academic.

Lewis, G. R., & Demarest, B. A. (1996). Integrative Theology (Théologie intégrative).