Ancient Heresy Alive and Well

There are many who practice Catholicism today. For such a large religion, that claims to be Christian, there seems to be many heresies associated with it. Topics such as tradition being held equal to the Bible, the continual prayer of the burning candle, the worship of Mary and prayers to her, the doctrine of purgatory, the infallibility of the Pope, and much more. The catholic church continually makes up new doctrines that they can not support with a literal or plain interpretation of Scripture but rather using a tradition included interpretation. Jesus warned the Pharisees of this in Mark 7:13 “thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And many such things you do” (ESV). 

The Catholic tradition is no longer a Christian faith or a relationship with God that He has allowed us to have through grace. Instead it has become a man centered religion that is based upon works. One must keep in good standing by performing all which is required such as communion as a ritual. One must confess their sins to a priest, or those sins will prevent entrance info heaven. The Roman Catholic Church believes one can lose their salvation. The only way a person can believe this is if the person believes God grants grace for one’s actions. It is clear in Scripture, God gives grace because of what He has done on the cross as said in Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (ESV). Romans 11:6 says; “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace” (ESV). 

The Catholic Church has forgotten the Word which God has given us, and has puffed themselves up in ridicules doctrines which have no Biblical standing. It is accurate to say there is some truth in what the Catholic Church teaches but it is obscured by the words and traditions of men there by eliminating the truth. 

What the Catholic Church practices today is the very things Jesus warned the Pharisees less then two thousand years ago of. The Pharisees where guilty of adding to the word of God and creating a ritualistic system required to be observed to be in proper standings with God. The Pharisees failed to live up to being the people which God had called them to and they failed to trust in His word adding on exalting their righteousness over God’s. In consideration of these facts I associate the heresy of the Catholic Church with that of The Pharisaic Heresy. 

The Pharisaic Heresy can be defined in this way: a method of religion which holds tradition and the ways of man equal or higher than Scripture; adding on to the word of God. The Pharisaic Heresy is not just any heresy in history, it is one Jesus Himself dealt with and it is one which led a whole nation astray. In the history of Catholicism there have been times where the Catholic Church has lead nations astray and today it leads masses of people away from the truth. The heresy that started centuries is very much alive today in the Catholic Church. Catholics have a deeply mapped out theology which fails to be supported by the text of Scripture. 

When Jesus confronted the Pharisees, He did so blunt and strong because the Pharisees knew the Scriptures and should know better. As today, we must be blunt and strong as we rebuke the heresies of the Catholic Church. The hierarchy (Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and Priest) should know better. They claim to commit their entire lives to the knowledge of the Scriptures and service to God. Sadly, it maybe fair to say they have not committed their lives to the knowledge and service to God instead committing their lives to the service of man and the theology which man has created. As has been mentioned, Jesus said in Mark 7:13 by tradition the Pharisees made “void” the word of God. This is how we need to rebuke this heresy of today, by making it known, if the Catholic Church stands with tradition then it does not stand with the Bible. It is not by our word but only by His that we have grace and salvation.

There are many people today who practice Catholicism. Some practice with the knowledge of the Scriptures and know what His word teaches. While, many practice Catholicism ignorantly, knowing nothing about the Scriptures except that which is said by priests who do not affirm the sufficiency of Scripture but deny it through their interjection of tradition. By knowledge or by ignorance all will answer to the Holy God of this universe. I dare wonder, anyone who believes what the Catholic Church teaches and does not recognize salvation is only by Jesus and not of our own actions will not rise with the righteous but with the wicked. It is important now to challenge those who follow tradition calling them back to the truth of Scripture in the hope of making them righteous. This is what Jesus did to the Pharisees almost 2,000 years ago. 

In Luke 16:15 Jesus answered the Pharisees after their grumbling “And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God” (ESV). Jesus saw their hearts were not right but are those who should know the word of God and who should be applying it in action. Jesus did not baby them through their discontent, and He was not nice to them, but He was forward and blunt in what He said. He did not worry about what the Pharisees would think having no desire to soften the truth. Similar to today, the Catholic Hierarchy knows what Scripture says, but choose to live by their own words and traditions. 

In summery 

The heresies of the Catholic Church are similar to those of the Pharisees in Jesus’ time. Jesus corrected the heresy and today the Catholic Church has no excuse for not knowing. As the Pharisees did the Catholic Church chooses to exalt their theology over the basic teachings of Christ. People in the leadership of the Catholic Church including the Pope have been quoted saying “Jesus is not the only way to heaven”, and “it is not only by faith that you are saved”. We must stand firm and openly, boldly, and with strength rebuke these false teachings in the hope of brining the lost of the Catholic faith to Jesus and salvation by faith that is only made possible by God. As Paul stated, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galations 5:1 ESV). We cannot let the Catholic Church or anyone like the Judders of Paul’s day attempt to put those who are made free by the blood of the Lamb back under the savory which we have been free from.