Tag: Freud
Phenomenological Research Methods
Husserl’s phenomenological method has caused a conversation of how empirical data can come to be. As Husserl believed phenomenology could lead to empirical data claiming understanding (Englander, 2012) Husserl’s work in phenomenology has not ceased by those who’ve followed after him. As a result, several variations of phenomenological research methods have emerged. Of those, two…
General History of Psychology
What is psychology and who those who founded and developed the concepts within psychology today.
Applied Behavior Analysis and Organizational Behavior Management
ABA and OBM have key benefits to the person and to society. The key benefits of ABA include; single subject focus, the application of what is known and discovered within behaviorism, the focus of results benefiting the subject. The key benefits of OBM include; application of ABA on individual and organizational levels, prevention of safety…
First Three Waves of Psychology
The first three waves of psychology were formed in a short amount of time but contribute to the rich history of thought and desire for understanding psychology was founded with. As early as ancient recorded times as man started to reason signs can be seen of man attempting to work out its existence and its…