The Purpose of Man

           The ultimate purpose of man is a controversial issue and one that some have chosen to take their own opinion rather then what God has said through Scripture. Some have said man’s purpose is to give God something to do. Others say man is here to enjoy creation. While others say man has been created by God to glorify Himself. There are many ideas of why man is here and what our ultimate purpose is, but the Bible only teaches one. The Bible states many things that are part of man’s purpose but only one is the ultimate reason why God created man. Through this paper we will take a look at what the Bible has to say about the purpose of man’s existence.

            In the first chapter of the Bible, God declares that He will make man in His image, according to His likeness, and give them rule over all the creatures. This is the declaration of the creation of man in God’s image, but what does it mean to be in God’s image. Some believe the image of God refers primarily to humanity’s moral capacities (Morrison). I doubt this as we are in a fallen state, and we continually sin with a lack of morality. So, is it that we have bodies like God? No, God is not physical as we would understand. Is it that we carry some of His attributes? Maybe. Is it like an office that we hold, a position of where we stand amongst creation? Or rather, is it that we have been given dominion over the earth as God has dominion over all of creation. We have the ability to think and reason unlike any other creature which we know of and we are able to change the world around us unlike any other creature. The idea of how we bear the image of God is never clearly stated in Scripture. Many times it is mentioned but nowhere is it clear. What is clear is that we are in the image of God and as such we are called to live like it and honor Him through it.

            The idea of being in the image of God as an office which we hold is an interesting one. Some have said such and to a point it is true. In a sense we hold an office of bearing the image of God, by creation we have been made in a manner in which we are made in His image. His image is built in us which puts us in a class or gives us a special place in creation. While in the sense of the image of God being like an office such as the governor or president seems very unlikely. If we held simply an office which made us and classified us in the image of God we would have most sturdily lost that office in the fall. As such being in the image of God is much more than an office which classifies us as something, but it is imbedded in the way we were made. This makes it impossible for us to rid ourselves of His image.

            The ultimate purpose of our lives and for the existence of all creation is the glory of God. God is glorified through everything that occurs in creation. He receives glory in that everything is held together and is able to do what it does because of Him. In the judgment of sinners, He receives glory because of His justice. As in the salvation of believers He receives glory because of His grace and mercy. God also receives glory and possibly more than from any other source when men willingly chose to serve, follow, and praise Him. Through a creature in God’s image who has the choice to follow or not to, God receives much glory. To make one thing clear before diving too deep into this concept; God does not need mankind or any part of creation to be glorified. God chooses to glorify Himself through the things of creation, such as mankind.

            John MacArthur Jr. (1984) put it this way, in his book Nourishment for New Life

All of the created universe is designed to give glory to God. As history is resolved in the Book of Revelation—when God redeems His people and is ready to set up His glorious eternal Kingdom—a great song will be sung that gives glory to God and the Lamb. That is the purpose for everything that was ever created.

The word glory appears 394 times in the Bible, showing that God’s glory is important. Romans 4:20 states; “yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God.” Abraham was promised by God that His wife would bear a child, but she was old and her womb dark (unable to give birth), but through his faith Abraham gave glory to God. It is part of who we are supposed to be, to give God glory in all things. As Abraham did, and as we are called to do. Through living the life which He has called us to, we bring glory to Him.

            As Luis Berkhof put it in his Systematic Theology “Man is not only the crown of creation, but also the object of God’s special care,” (Berkhof, 1958). This is an interesting idea. Is it possible the purpose of man is to glorify God but also to be His attention? Absolutely, God not only created us to give Him glory, through His justice, love, mercy, grace, etc, but God also created mankind so we would be something for Him to focus on. As Berkhof stated we are under God’s special care. How else can we explain the lengths God has gone through to show us who He is. God loves us so much He had His Son die for us on the cross (John 3:16).

God cared enough and desired us to do what He wills so much He had Ezekiel lay on His side for many months. God used this to show Israel and Judah their inequity in God’s sight. That God even took the time to speak to Ezekiel and have him perform this act, is amazing to think about. Why would God, the eternal most holy and powerful God waste His time unless He cared for us.

 God also, used the prophet Hosea to show Israel what His relationship with them looked like. A smaller theme in the book of Hosea is how much God hates divorce. God told Hosea to marry a harlot, and time after time she left him and had intimate relations with other men. Just as time after time Israel has left God and had relations with idols and fake gods. Every time Hosea took her back, every time. Just as every time God has taken His people back. God decided to have His prophet married and unworthy women, so to make His point and to declare to His people their adultery and what they have been putting God through. Even though she had committed adultery Hosea did not divorce her and God never divorced Israel. As with Ezekiel it is amazing to think, God took His time to communicate with Hosea and have him perform this act just to communicate with mankind. God obviously has a special place for man in His plan and in His priorities. God does not do these things for the angels. God did not have Jesus die for the salvation of angels but He did for the salvation of man.

The idea that God sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross so He could save some of humanity is vital to consider in the picture of God’s glory. God gained and still does, much glory through the sacrifice of Jesus. He was glorified that His Son obeyed and unselfishly gave Himself for fallen man.  He is glorified in the saving work of Jesus’ blood which still continues today. He was also glorified in the ignorance of man, not to recognize His Son and the kingdom He brought.

Ephesians 1:5-6 says, “He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.” Through Jesus, He adopted us and all this “to the praise of the glory of His grace.” Through God’s grace His is glorified. As some of mankind is saved God receives His glory. The process of God receiving His glory never ceases, it will forever take place. The difference or variable in God receiving His glory is by what method He chooses to receive it. As John MacArthur stated, in the book of Revelation God is preparing to establish His glorious kingdom. In times to come God will receive glory in His perfect kingdom and by other methods. As stated, before this is the ultimate purpose not only for mankind but for all creation and all of God’s plan that He be glorified.

In Philippians 1:11 Paul says, “[you] having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Through the giving of righteousness through Jesus, God receives glory and praise. Through all that God does with mankind He receives glory whether through His attributes or through the actions of man, God is glorified.


The ultimate purpose for man and for all creation is to bring glory to God. God created all things with the intent of glorifying Himself. This answer might be the Sunday School answer, but it is fully the correct and the only answer. Sure, man has other purposes but all those are part of glorifying God whether willingly or not. God takes glory from all situations. As we see in Romans 4:20 with Abraham and his faith giving glory to God. In Ephesians 1:5-6 where God has predestined those who He will save He is glorified. And in Philippians 1:11 God is glorified through making men righteous through Jesus.

Does man being in the image of God play into this? Most likely, but this isn’t the main point. Yes, we are in the image of God and we are called to live like it. As we are in the image of God we bring Him more glory. But whether man was in the image of God or not God would still receive glory as He does form the rest of creation. As such this is not the main point of man’s purpose.

Now the question could be asked “how does or should this effect mankind’s lives?” As we realize we are created by God and as such He has full right to do with us whatever He wills. Just as the potter has the right to do whatever he desires with the clay. So, if God created us to bring Him glory we should strive to bring Him that glory which He has created us for. Life is an amazing gift. We must praise God for the gift He has given us and we must focus our life on Him. He has created us and given us much and all He desires is glory. He desires to be recognized for everything He has done. As believers we should live our lives with a purpose and focus on the work and glory of God. Anything which we can do to glorify Him we should.  


Berkhof, L. (1958). Systematic Theology. The Banner of Truth Trust.

MacArthur, J. (1984). Nourishment for New Life. Word of Grace Communications.

Morrison, M. (2006). Humans in the Image of God. World Wide Church of God.