
  • Employee Monetary Compensation and Employee Job Satisfaction

    Abstract It is known employee job satisfaction is related to employee motivation, performance, retention, and other factors which are beneficial to the employee and the employer. In recent decades, some have used the work of Self-Determination Theory to claim pay is irrelevant and promote the idea it is an employee’s commitment, attitude, and the programs…

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  • Self-Determination Theory in the Context of Performance

    Within the context of performance Self-Determination Theory focuses on performance based on a person’s ability to make decisions effecting one’s self (Deci, & Ryan, 2000). The theory lays out the need for three main psychological factors or basic psychological needs every works has which contribute to a person’s motivation.

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  • Three Conceptual Ways To Competitive Advantage

    Good and services differ in handling quality in that good are a physical item where quality is controlled by producing a proper product. While quality of a service is controlled by meeting the customer’s specific needs and through customer service.

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  • Areas that are Significant to Improving Labor Relations and Productivity

    Senator Bernie Sanders would be proud to see the points talked about in this article on improving labor relations. Many of the things he talks about are indeed the cornerstones to improving labor productivity, relations and the quality of a laborer’s life. The main difference between how Senator Sanders views this subject and how I…

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