
  • Employee Monetary Compensation and Employee Job Satisfaction

    Abstract It is known employee job satisfaction is related to employee motivation, performance, retention, and other factors which are beneficial to the employee and the employer. In recent decades, some have used the work of Self-Determination Theory to claim pay is irrelevant and promote the idea it is an employee’s commitment, attitude, and the programs…

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  • Summary The Letter to Titus

                The letter of Titus was written by the Apostle Paul to his disciple and fellow minister Titus. This letter was written around the early to mid 60’s AD. Paul wrote with the intention of instructing his child in the faith (Titus), so that Titus could help to carry on the church without him. Paul’s…

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  • The Letter to the Ephesians

    The letter written to the Ephesians by the Apostle Paul was penned around 60AD. Paul wrote with an intent to teach and further the spiritual growth of the Ephesian church.

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  • God’s Purpose in Salvation

    God’s ultimate purpose in salvation is an interesting concept to think through. Why would God send His Son to die on a cross for those whom have condemned themselves? God has done much to make His plan of salvation work out and there is still more to come before the plan if fully realized. Jesus…

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