
  • Employee Monetary Compensation and Employee Job Satisfaction

    Abstract It is known employee job satisfaction is related to employee motivation, performance, retention, and other factors which are beneficial to the employee and the employer. In recent decades, some have used the work of Self-Determination Theory to claim pay is irrelevant and promote the idea it is an employee’s commitment, attitude, and the programs…

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  • Groupthink and Leadership

    Groupthink is the phenomenon where the individuals of a group start to think along the same lines losing original thoughts and seeking to maintain group harmony over originality (Janis, 2008)

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  • Relationship Between Employee Monetary Compensation and Employee Satisfaction: A Correlational Study

    The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine if and to what extent a relationship exists between employee monetary compensation and employee general, extrinsic, and intrinsic job satisfaction in Fortune 500 companies within the United States of America. The theoretical framework was drawn from the theory of work adjustment and self-determination theory.

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  • Origins and Development Applied Behavior Analysis

    Behavioral psychology has a long history in philosophy and the works of the ancients Greeks. Formally, behavioral psychology started to develop with Sigmund Freud’s work with the insane.

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